Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Castle Series Triathlons

This season among other races il be competing in a selection of the Castle Series Triathlons. The series is held in the UK, Ireland and France, and consists of six races. The distances range from Junior all the way up to long distance "Bastion". The series provides race opportunities for everyone from beginners to elites.

The races are held in stunning locations on castle grounds, giving competitors and spectators fantastic surroundings to enjoy and take in before, during and after the race.

Here are two video montages of Castle Howard  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx_iCd27Tcs and Hever Long Distance Triathlon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auEA3KkV8Jc from last year.

You can enter here at: http://www.castletriathlonseries.co.uk